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10/20/2019 Typecasting... What does the pineapple symbolize... Female to male transgender porn... Female to male transgender, men's underwear models... Katie's surgery watching fetish... Dead man's dick... Have more sex for a healthier heart... Cum Stamps and pussy stamps for sale... Would you swim with otters?... Make your phone ticklish with this device... Warning, don't cuddle your cock... Another double vagina person story... Something primal... The Florida of Europe... A, B, or C hole... Episode of "Rule 34"... Back to the dark ages for women with new menstruation pads... Giant box of lost dildos still not claimed... Places for vacation... Tits Man - love those flapjack titties... Canadians and their maple syrup... When we met the Illuminati... Made up side life... Tickling for fun or not... Spun and meth... The first cock rings made it China and you'll never guess out of what... Katie Perry sex doll or not... How long does it take a lady bug to get off... Pack of wild Chad's.
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#276 Transgender Porn
00:00:04 - 00:05:21
The following program contains adult content kraz language of a sexual manner complete the era sponsoring advise along with some things you'll wish you could hear if you're under the age of teen easily offended or like to judge others based because I was fucking Shit outer forgettable man okay yes apparently so we have a fun show for you tonight as well as a brand new tits man coming up later on in the indeed seven six three Katie's ruled starts now how are you ready to dress you said you wanted to play dress up don't you and now live from rule thirty four studio I bring you a girl that gets typecast for good reason show so as we went to the Tattoo Convention yesterday to get some work done and I are good time go against your host the one the only kinky Katie hello hello and welcome to the show this is world number two seventy six and we are coming at you almost live ish crown resume your life dot com radio dot com radio dot net or not back into my pussy state because when 'cause I I have a pineapple on the inside of my wrist that says I know you know and it it is really awesome I don't know some people don't like you know wandering around getting tattoos like you know what I mean yeah it's wow you should charge by the hour what are you GonNa do you agree on something you agree something I'm I'm telling you though I think I'm resorting posted the pictures when I got him done says it Oh my God that's so awesome I love psych I said like psycho it's like a seventy bring above eight to you just different people who can put different Shit on you right now that's true yeah I mean normally did in every episode I read that I've focused started laughing I looked over and see I was I was like that I think I think I got I got under charged for the Tattoo that I got you did you Jay but it's okay I mean well mostly that's because of the dude was just so ritchie us about what you do it you is it wise or otherwise don't she's just slow he was really really slow and from a time perspective yes you WanNa sling what's up buddy slingers seattle coconut that mean well but then I found out I had I've armie live from those places you to scale you got it like stuck in your head it's just a thing you say you don't know how not NBC CBS.
00:05:21 - 00:11:08
I don't know what the fuck are you talking about so yeah the theme song is called I know I know you know and there's a pineapple I said I'm on autopilot you are well I am your host Kinky Haiti and with me is my favorite I covers buck Mr we've covered that the you and Mr because it's formal you can't tell Jesus we're really horrible because Sir Cock ahead mom always wanted me to do that you gotTa Pineapple to kill Rose Right there right yes hurts so bad I even started to Bang my foot and I'm like don't let your foot stupid you're gonNA move right indicates that Y- swingers that's the rumor and I'm GonNa I'm GonNa say it's a rumor so it's not law you can't you can't say every pineapple you see that Illegi or is that the person the druid or do you think that's the tattoo artist and he's like no TV show psych on ABC or story for those you just don't feel like getting into now or you you could just be getting into it but that gets exhausting fucking tiring I would imagine psych ah that's what it means yeah especially when you live in the area it's one of those you know not not not everyone not everyone all trans models hundred percent Trans Hundred Percent Trans chicks demand in the men's underwear fashion show and they always say news there's a men's underwear brand called Marco Marco and they had a during New York fashion week during the runway show featured with a pineapple is a swinger but every find out like that may be true but not everybody with pineapple so don't go to your neighbor and go hey see the pineapple explain the ankle meets the rest it's very very mysterious phenomena happen where my hand met my rest again here I mean they're they're like trying to get some escalation you know what I mean like prepubescent masculine I mean what I mean yeah yeah that's a regal does okay I'm Cicak anyway whatever there's another word brand what is fucking hilarious if that's true and it just provided you with the best cover story ever as Old Lady you know ask you what hey the called Marco Marco Marco which would got it's it's it's what did you answer your name Haida I know you I know you know what do I know my mother always you always had to have some sort of no no I like it has no other means probably be load thought it was cool looking to air freshener series it's got a little hole right there the hanger so you wanted to sink now you have to get out to finish it so buck up and it's kind of a for those of you who don't know we've been talking about lately on how it's it's a swing watching it I didn't think about it that way pro sweetheart that'd be a good idea now is it honey is might be for of dying just cut it off my skin and use it like shrinking Dank and put it in your oven and then there you go yeah that's what we're doing with all of them you didn't know that planning okay probably none very insensitive chocking coming from you give me a break just talking Jesus Christ anyway well these guys were were very but the pool cue is keeping all of my name what's your problem do give an interim is closed and Kiedis ruled in ten nine very very very spicy right where my angle my wrist like right earlier egg risk it's very mysterious it and there's a Lotta pictures and you gotta check out yeah I would call them honey because I call you honey you're not okay all right I mean it just was that's okay you know I started thinking well I don't know what I was thinking okay so this automatic packers female to male what do you know what what you yeah what you need what you're supposed to save all say whatever Irqah what in his is his cake it might be new for them and they wanna feel their their madness you know what I mean and you're just knocking down they just got their new toy and you're putting us no I don't think I've seen that or I don't know that I have seen it if I have seen it I've watched the surgery good joe female to male you watch the surgery I've watched both I watched okay fuck it okay I was I was going reverse keys on the transit female but my brain was still stuck on male female iced-over and a thousand different ways you don't like secretly in the back of your mind wish you were awake I wish there awake okay I wish C.
00:11:08 - 00:19:50
R. I know exactly in that case medical scenario or is it scenario anyway it's not the same I can't put it together especially if I've been medicating then they say and I think this is true but they say that having more sex prevents heart attacks apparently it says if you have if you have more regular Michael like maybe maybe we should endorphin you know I would say so shopping release yeah I mean but but they say it's mostly due to the cardiovascular I think what I have in my head for what's going on I as I'm reading it is the same as what's going on the screen and it's it's it's a lot so last time I signed without reading it first Shala and they get the skin gradually get the skin graft off from your arm or leg and make your your chance Shaw Your Dang louder he wants me out of my watch it curiosity why I mean it's you can read a story there's no need to like watch the whole because at the end of the mind you're on somebody else now Franken Dick whatever all have dead man's because Pinar hoses just cool looking very very benevolent and you can make it move your enemy to occupy on hurricane you do impressions now whenever sorry really hard it's just a war sweetheart what do you do masculinity say one yeah okay I can see how I don't know Shit Chit Chit Chat store something but having sex is so much more fun I think in my opinion I commit wrong for some people wanted to see somebody shit get split open and reworked and talked with it yeah with your own Dick and then watch it fuck later so just I'm tr- I'm throwing that out there l. yeah now I know just out there Sir could you see a little quick bulge didn't show the crutches why was I wish they'd a who is is sec so and so I said yes so why do you call him that I said because in all the adult films did he's he's stunt cock so as aw how vigorous is really sexy to be like every time you have sex how how how vigorous we're talking about raising a heart rate for twenty talk shows across the clip clip will get is I wanna see to have a big old monster like like a thumb or did they go the on acid William lasts a lot longer than it could have that requires drugs does require drugs but then but then you would trampoline but really you know what I'm saying like are you throwing doubt to our marathon session no that's just not happening unless you're Alexa keeps your heart going more and in shape and better even if you go to the gym and have cardio and Shit like that I have already sold one and we'll give you the details later on my social media if you WANNA find out but you can email me kinky Katie radio it's real let's get turned on about it not the surgery itself Bill I'm curious I wanNA know what it looks like seeing somebody's Jetta tell you being or the prince what are you talking about your me I would not do that to the cats then you would have to see your doctor to make sure that drugs are gonNA kill you you know what I mean they do all that Shit online now do they yeah they do measure your heart Oh my goodness gracious Ooh come stamps or you know was he prints these dams are going to be coming back can pictures of people driving their cars around bears too but when the bear decides to go nuts guessing habits when the fucking Dolphin is horny you'd have for just auto ship Kate Yeah thanks to me too all right take van belt Sir you can pay pal whatever it'll do it or how the fuck no it's not gonNa have known to be Rabi Dolphins Ireland nuts are gonna get fucking bitten off by God damn mater so it's GonNa happen you know it so how'd you nuts yeah we roll the cats are out it's paint that that's right garbage Maggie garbage bag traffi- the cats and the garbage cans a few been watching a lot of female to female transgender porn have lately some of the some of them some of them are really frigging hot so y you watch things hellraiser I know exactly why you watch things all I'm just very interested in the medical procedure I want you to watch me lay it Dr and your Venom Oh we need a clamp stamp from the phone be gentle with that don't you shove it in there thank you can get a creepy human like skin that makes your phone ticklish health in in men between the ages of forty and seventy oh because you're getting your heart pumping yeah okay so it's just kind of like I mean or walked the whole scar-free heat tonight their flavor so I don't see how you gonna be able to tell it oh eh gmail.com if you'd like a pussy stamp and I will give you all the details and what they are whole but I- making one on Tuesday they fucking content but you gotta take phone Oh that feels like skin and you can pinch it so it's like squishy don't touch me there I'd putting me next weird other devices has take me to central into it's another thing that that would allow you to wonder more it maybe makes it easier and they're in a sex swing yeah the bungee on it just bounce bounce I'm just saying no raise the heart rate a little for for a little bit cool can I send you my favorite said can you make it smell like Jakhar nukes bill I want I wondered what the port looks like to plug it into charge it you it requires consent from the phone I you know you must put your password there's a place in there's a place in Louisiana that's I it's an animal refuge okay and they let y animal preserve but they let you off I don't think we do a quick health analysis and then ship it stirred to your door you breathing you're approved Valey Valet Cook to the left so weird minutes so we're talking about so fuck and a hamster wheel of BLERTA's keeps honey you gotta go I don't know you have to haul ever got holes spill you don't keep up your boy do I'm not in the mood any more the we're we're come to the most important part which credit card number exactly aw sounds creepy as well as however I'm not sure I'm not sure I wouldn't be entertained by so that's really what I'm saying like fine hairs on it or something huts L.
00:19:50 - 00:31:00
A. Friend I've had the couple who's listening in China will find this funny I'm just sitting there listening to China deeply if a felker talk you know what I mean if you had a way to make a phone ticklish could just record you know you can have the device but it's uh-huh oh here's your psa especially if you live in Ebor or key West just saying or in a rural kind of area the CDC just cover going to record video and audio of you doing it every time it's going to be live online live online online do you want to take the phone you pay the price we there's John McCain fucking Nice guys my Dick I wanted to Dr Donnelly got was this teaser in your okay I'm Laurie completely on their sexuality please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day how how did you smuggle us in I don't even know how does that happen I wonder like turn on the part where I have raw oh she yeah why why guide me nuts when me just right for months shelvin back inside take your phones in Syria says no molested nobody stay please do not touch me there way I still can't smell nuts nala feelings shared a law retire awful anyway this is a public service enough well the CDC Which is the Center for Disease Control if you did know issued a warning that you should dizzy Java give a fuck now they don't give a fuck they're gonNA fuck that whole that whole tunnel do blow up cuddle your Cox Yeah and cuddle it didn't get out hang around I know you just got to make a little purse can never ball sack phone please look like some nut I'd like fifty listeners total but hey there there there there's somebody from there listening right now I've had people many of them hey if you guys go outside this fucking offers here could be a problem what they're daryl you should see all the pictures and posts it okay I hear the mixers you they have fun bolden running night steeler once in a while I can I request hair color texture style sent eggs I don't you know you saw Christmas story you'll put your eye out kid if you call your car that's right he's right over cuddle you're gonNA lose an eye does shake him too hard they said there's been a spike and sell Manila infection for Backyard Cock snuggles we were we were God you think I'm fat it's like a revich trading kit something I know this pocket that just rubbed flesh all day like and pinch bowl well twitchy need yeah it's fucking looks disgusting and I can't even imagine what you encourage good Laroche Bullshit somebody had begun car but so shake Gog singer nobody wants at least vomiting Katie violent vomiting who look snugly how come you have salmonella all over your digging balls I was I was cuddling he likes to be my lab Dan Emmett you fucked chicken didn't you oh I didn't fuck the chicken coddling gainey was fucking coral dam and he fucked tax-cutting fucking you know you cover with your cat your fucking Take Care that ladies and gentlemen is right I made it for you so if you if you're the if you're the fortunate recipient of load just no it was made new but the more people are finding out about a more because Internet anyway he went undiagnosed her entire life until now she's fucking nineteen okay rooster I can't fuck him now oh he's my friend ship friend anyway there's been to death reports reported so far I don't know yes they don't they're not doing anything like that if you're if you're going to the doctor for severe period pains they do a pelvic exams what you start getting yeah fine so you know what do you like have one of these now I mean obviously I would know more about it yeah obviously you would this this is so fricking stupid there's a nineteen year old girl that's been going through she's been going to the doctor for horrific period pains and because you know you plug yourself into me that's what I'm saying I would've somewhere I don't know where you put it ought not inside feels like yes I would say so is it drip down on the bed well you rejected it a- gave it to you you gave it back it's not my fault what you do with it after I get to take a cavernous plus we'll know but if you're gonNA colleges and you're not finger in the baby no gynecologist has tools you that's weird like understand chickens and solid but you know what scientist tell us science science oh my goodness big giant delicious steamy pile of a show yeah in anger delays giant pile gummy bears that's right a- just like the dinosaurs now tartikoff's he's primal two from chicken cuddly from yeah from Salmonella from fucking touch it's as don't kiss your backyard poultry snuggle bammer touch their face to your mouth you maybe maybe you don't get Salva rl narrow I'm GonNa lick his feet lick them fuck it chicken feet nick she's been going to the doctor since she was like nine nine or ten around there she got it early we'll guess what why am I doing what she was a boy no no no no she if you have a chicken are you really good chicken owner if you don't know this you're not a responsible well everybody that I've ever known that owns chickens knows that you don't fucking always after is more emotion sure absolutely yeah so I mean I tried to give you some emotion for the situation and not just leave you dead just for you low was she she feel special you should anybody else's getting now one you got that one and it gets in your eyes even more special because then he'll pay hippy and the data that's babies do shove their fingers in your crotch not when you're a baby no but if you if you like going on she was nine years old go hugging and kissing on him because you could get salmonella essay it's especially bad for for kids younger than five or sixty five and older I mean I've helped gene so you get you get to be closer to it really closer to it yeah you get to feel emotion from it I mean aren't isn't that what ladies that expelling understand Norwegian like no idea irks what's a strange little those our letters takes as a reference for you we were like what the fuck do you guys do yeah we watched a fucking five that would be so don't don't tell your chicken I I mean I had always longed that anyway you would have to say I'm just saying I thought you were talking to someone at the at things primal yeah we're talking to someone of Tattoo Convention we brought up that Brad neely's squeaked ski weird that's like the Florida of Europe I think England I think it is the Florida of Europe I don't think they really liked to be called that why we eh I don't know you're gonNA build there I'm pretty sure I have won a hardcore fan that's it's like fucking tearing her face off right Allie you know what I mean lampy have ocean Lee empty and he'd sounded film a boy so rich and creamy so I'll give you a big cartoon about a dinosaur to K- ban has like it's got no on cartoon network has no Dialogue Gandhi Tartokowski why do they gotta make it complicated with the fucking name and explain to me how that works thing how did that come to be no just how phonetically like you know you spell phonetically that as being you understand glitch tests well you know what it is I think you get not what it is but I you do get a lot of stories from British news down yeah there's a lot us from Canada but they've slip behind the UK Fred for second place again I think it's been talking a lot more about okay why don't we had an operation going back to the girl the girl this is how this all started anyway she had an operation to remove the tissue and the second uterus fun to see all that bad stuff Scott all time we had entertainment out the window while they actually did an entire fucking episode of big mouth about floors settlement tweet and say hey can you please send me a little short video that just saying the name of that Goddamn show you spell it phonetically and that's what I'm saying how could you possibly be mad of somebody not knowing how to say those fucked up smelling it that's why it's funny as she told the Fuck and how to double bag this is another bad story wow you liked these double edge girls as seen above they seem to be like Oh hey I have that problem too now that I heard the story yeah and she's like I didn't know what was going on and she started to get intimate with a boyfriend and it was like incredibly painful and she's like problems take take you know certain medications can pick pick them up handle of do whatever Washington Doco fucking putting their head in your mouth you might be fine got to say no one gets it right so mad and knowing how she had how could you be mad now installed me you try hard nalen sloppy up that's right hard alien S- Clovio PPO that's as far as we know that's how how or land you know think about like borderland between two warring tribes you know what I mean it's like the Great Wall of China but it's a trench that's really in Florida I think you're saying wrong was being to Florida of anything because I fucking love Florida yeah people come here to visit as awesome vacation that's right so oughta say you know what he follows me on twitter Brad neely and I sw- from fucking tip mouse in over there and go street and I'm GonNa fucking towards the squiggle me I don't know exactly what I'm sorry but he told me a little now to series win story now I want to make fun of Canadians now because well there's no they were Canadian fronts there are people right now listening I don't understand what the problem is I can't fuck and that's yeah he got beside here supposed to go for a whole he went to be hall whenever we the whole Ditz really whole so that way if anything were to try to escape over the border it would fall into behold that's why I think we're going to go to an episode of thirty four and when we come back we're going to have a brand new tits man and we're also going to have some interesting the thing that you guys a day he did they goes forward that's where I got that do a Braille off a dolphin it was of a blowhole anyway coca whatever and fucking centimeter thick wall dividing her PUSS Wojcieh dude you're talking about like a child right because it's got to be little she She had she was sent clothes and she started getting ornery like an pissy mood she denied assaulting her man although she was absolutely fucking hammered and couldn't provide much aw like t- stuff and We got what to do Oh also some Katy Perry News I love cats I got Joe Yum yeah fuck I'm talking about they understand the is the one in the front that is the main vaginal buckle beal is the throw away had you need as much separation between a hole in the civil as you possibly can have so the behold is the sacrifice a whole and you talk about you talk about listeners not knowing what everybody anti tour his shirt and a nasty hole and the cops saw scratches and cuts and she was arrested when the car she maliciously spit on him you don't make sense it's got to be a struggle to listeners whatever I don't care they can keep up what John they know all over the place obviously powered you can't consent look look I'd really love to but your vision to be consensual high I don't think so Z.
00:31:00 - 00:48:57
whole like you see exactly or see what's in that whole don't go there yeah yes cut their notion I can't come on sweet Gash exactly you know uh-huh Huh what okay so they they have a thing are in really would rather not you're really up and kind of respect you I respect you it's a whole movement made me do I this is a whole now wait a minute of Bohol anyway no it would always be the a whole whole is to one left behind that you go into because it's a no man's land detail the Dude Dude said that he said no to the pound she went for his face and his head I wanNa fuck you does sometimes she gets suspended from things when she gets a strategy starts fucking around fat life that's what happens all of a sudden after like a year after four or five months be like wow she read it finally telco and like start reporting shift that she does just because you want to get her suspended so so no I've been getting a lot lately like the past couple of days either someone listen to it and message me bit stupid you'd better fuck ours cat hair get hard Oh put anything inside of behold because as gone for behold your asshole I knew I could be a whole or no no it's a whole behold I'm not up on the COP and was yelling profanity fuck this pussy I'm going to tell you what he better fucked it's bloody stupid in direct messages and just call it a very often that's all I don't you know what I mean which is okay just understand you know go on it very often yeah someone made reusable pads no no those are called just rags that's that's it that's I like how you said rags back down and welcome back to Kinky Katie's coming at you from rural thirty four studios you can get all beholder because the whole obviously you're do a whole becomes a different ale so you're a whole is not my whole or seventy sorry cotton ball versus cotton cloth I don't you know like the cotton ball I would rather to grab like a wad of paper towels twitter later at Kinky Katie Radio Kinky radio DOT COM Katie Radio Ed u dot Com and facebook he Katie Radio Google me unless I'm fed life at a really good Josh's favorites all over it so it's shark week yes a reasonable they've got a snap on the wings so when you put them on your Pani Crotch it's time bullet tasty and refreshing snack Omar Twenty run year old the storm Yeah but I've had people shut off what are you talking about a storm of what of messages on Life Ok Frederick West and and okay ease the segment of of what yeah funny was women well now we do you can you can really celebrate shark week all right Ios and roll it up and shovel up there in Cork at least that way you could get rid of it yeah I got to deal with that right I agree I don't like the day I'm sorry environmentalist but era period panties which are cute out their underwear that say you know it has like the scene from the shining on it and it just like cartoonish stuck and all about they're so they're they're pads they got together with them the always company and they're like no you need to use these anyway there's the logo from jaws and side of you and it clips onto your cervix like sections up to your cervix so when you have to remove it you have to go up inside and pull it out of your that's all right well if you or someone you know we're recently in Somerset and you lost a massive bag of dildos or found so you don't expect a lot is what you're saying yeah could see my pussy on twitter you can go there and I I'm on there all the time up off of their stash and it's full of of yeah you actually have to it's it's a round little little cup and you stick it up in what about you I would have said that I guess in just more vulgar I was just I was just letting letting the audience ticket themselves that's all right after that uh of your booter and it's filled with blood from alday a fucking wearing it and that just seems like super message would have to change while you're at work or something then you're like onto the ladies cervix yes it just right right up on the fucking clam and you know they enter the cup and when are they title frigging rocket rocket but it seems like a disaster disaster ab it's not like those of you don't know it is literally a cup that sections on I know lots of people but I mean if you're if you have if you're into jest you know not wasting Shikha hat I don't know I'm not going to stop you hello hey whatever you wanna do that do that I'm not saying whinge like a lot of work to me diva cop to cop day why the fuck would you even give someone that idea what do you mean they already thought of it I didn't have to that's not a right thing to do that's not what they're what be nice what Cassim from Carey's especially if you're one of those kind of people that don't wash your hands o yet may come can't force them I'm sure the blood on her fingernails blood is Li life I don't want your life directly I am my own life and in varying sizes and they were dildos and Alexa dildos fouled bag was ripped open be who yes the paper bag or in the cardboard box that it used to contain the toys nice like this this shoddy shit like these are good toys and now what the fuck even those people when they have their period that fucking wash their hands 'cause I mean I've I've seen what ladies can do to a bathroom Scuz- Kinda grow to think about the they took a picture of it it was like strewn all over the street and they'll again no one's come forward to admitting owning them but there were up to there were more than ten vibrators two Google is more people people were they found it they were kind of they have a speculation around like who's it is in town but I don't know I guess that's close to where it or there's a that's like the area I don't know it did they didn't tell me so a guy a says in New Jersey I don't know we don't do that since the town of Bridgewater Bridgewater Yeah what was Somerset I dunno somerset is county and southbound west England which borders Gloucestershire and Bristol to the North we'll see then they're like you Ooh I mean stop you from town now you're gonNA criticize you for it I'm going to say I wouldn't I would I would just go straight disposable I I don't you know mist share yours if you want to do that at home go ahead that stretch your you share your life with yourself or anybody who chooses to share your life because you had to get out of your house quick evacuation action goat on they said the the local newspaper Facebook Page said that people seem to be more bothered about the quality I mean the criteria panties and then stabs then yet it snaps around you gotta have the joy of cleaning that that's right you can use it again sop it out ah it was probably rating 'cause England's known to be moist I was in the south of England I don't know what that means I don't know either I've never been over there I wanna go yeah hi Sushi restaurant he trifu stupid man we're GonNa know exactly three Uh after Japan yeah yeah seems like I would understand what was going on there which would make it you know less challenging if you're going to go on vacation willing to go tim thinking I can think of our foreign places to go but I like I like modern amenities I you know what I'm saying pretty lights yeah a place where it's known Americans could get along okay even if you don't understand a fucking thing that's going on people go there surviving all the time awesome food honor nevertheless there's plenty of other little fishy things that I haven't had I get to food who last that's true you know what potentially Die Raj American men to try to think of the right word for just a cotton cloth that you you did yourself from saying you know well I bought it everybody knows you want to be challenged a little like to well I don't know it would it's the most foreign thing I can think of that I'm willing to okay off drugs people survive at all the time though fun of said one way or the other knee Fubu fo- why do I why do I need the why do I care cat my cat no my chicken get salmonella either posted that's pretty polly God dammit take to the South and von whatever yeah England there my people somebody had the ad like get up and run with your dildos and hurry once again for it has tags saggy boobs matter they to this is the movement that that is encouraging women to checking places all right well I think we're going to go to your favorite segment steady muggy and I like Tacos and buddy does The aluminum body contacted him and offered him a membership to their Club yes and he was getting tattooed to commemorate uh-huh but he wasn't good take the membership because he didn't want to fuck them yes what he said something like that though yeah and then he went down see somebody Katie hey lumberjacks flap jacks who likes a good pancake I don't even understand that Koevermans oh well maybe she sees somebody on tinder it for your own agenda Katie I don't have an agenda okay anyway well I say beauty standards view damned a woman known as the slum flour got maybe what most of the time those flap Jack tits gave life will fed life nice fat schober on it you know what I'm saying is what I'm saying things we all know it everybody in the world owes us all it agnone big Truman show nobody nobody trusts anybody who seems that plight you know what I mean maybe they look good push together if they're soft maybe that's okay but if you don't have a nice Neville and they're saggy I don't know maybe maybe it's all these all these beautiful bounty baggy breasts exactly and they said there's a lot more you know they need to put more real women in ads so then droop ladies be proud of your flap jacks and it's okay maybe maybe maybe it's Schober I don't understand it I think I don't think anybody in the world understands except for the Canadians do I've I've seen different cooking shows where it was all about Castilla not everybody has faked perfect tests and she's sick and tired of like advertisements and TV shit show in the they don't they think that there's some secret meeting going onto the back corner they don't know about Oh my God oh they Lou Rinaldi of given this for the Aluminum Body Tattoo Convention that was fun Hacker yeah yeah he proceeded to tell us that you go to other places a heavy happening there are some pictures of you on social flower flower is pushing the agenda of self love even more for by briefing the two women to love they're Saggy boobs what you read what you see on some light road or knee went down somewhere in stole I all this fucking for Asia from people just with his sweeper look era deck there Syrup Dave what are we covered Sir of plot jackets Oh okay took me a second I was a gated what are you talking about they were Sir old man does out of the white beard wearing glasses so I could see yeah are you are you like ridiculing me because the whole time we were there the other day that there was a few people that thought you were tattoo artist was a man where's booth Tattoo Yes oh everything better that's what the Canadians will tell you hey tap that tree very into fuck it sir up there like an in a weird way time out like I walk out of people just a magnet for yeah I know you people do serious like I've seen you still rare but I don't know where like you haven't seen me I just I fit some fucking mold I don't know what you think but no well I mean we don't know me the I use a grey beard that's and then he went into his whole flagging a hacker shit like that happens to me at least I don't know how you get into this conversation at a tattoo convention but this is how it happened you we what outside as soon as he saw about you like how many kids they have how do people they murdered 'cause like I know people I cast is obviously that's what they think what you walked up obviously you're paying her high no this is Alba's border you know are you coming into our water supply Gavin Damn stirrups like why are you so nice it was her up no no I really like it because I've I wear over I don't know why I'm not sure I have that work in man's look for sure that maybe it's a strange thing high really people walk up to me and then really have crazy shifts assays me outside hey have you met my wife and they're like even say that I'm just wow wow you're from where I'm from I mean it really should be like to Capitol Florida I think Ed look at killed it right off I mean what if what if what if he thought you were were some like musician or something because a to detail and shit like sideline made up for me to make their own little syrup shit go I was like wow it's much more allied a Jew like makes you want to take some kind of drug missing counteracts the drugs that you're sendings that's what it is the overalls and then you've got tattoos but not a lot but you got tattoos on your armed you got the big old gauge in your ears you weren't glasses through like right next to each other that really don't really like each other so much like just over the bridge I don't want to why no it's just a bridge it's four miles long Katie but you know there's a whole new life over their own care care so we just jumped off the yesterday was like no oh my husband for today well it just goes to show everybody make some Kinda snap judgment over somebody when they see him you know they make up a little side story of what this person I'd tie you up and then just start tickling bad when you let me up it would not turn me on and I'd be angry I know I would be angry I don't I don't know a over the left and we and they live all here and a little yeah that's why you get weird news because you've got people I don't believe it so she your friend injured play Holy Shit what are you paying her no really I'd like to fit what they think of all about when they see me I do think that kid that was flirting with you in line we're GONNA get Barbecue C.
00:48:58 - 00:51:23
Partic- habits me everywhere I go had sex ed now I don't know how much of them are true or not but that is saying that back in the eighteenth century that the empress of Russia she of Catherine the great wanted to our I just WanNa see that's all no I'm saying like you're used to your eyes went bad from looking down and be meticulous with the your ticket to serve just act now I think it's a site where they have the Canadian meetings they really let loose show their true colors Canadian meeting here's me Oh friend has her tied up fucking rouser they're banging and locks her leaves her they're tied to the bed naked with death metal playing on a record that skipping looks like it might rain tomorrow no yeah I don't like doing that there's there's some weird facts that your teachers won't tell you the movie about math now it really encapsulates what it's like to to math and at one point in the movie they character main character locked of of one side or the other it is like an extreme on both ends you know what I mean the right is way over the right left is she she used to hire foot sticklers to turn