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This week!
10/06/2019 Anything is a dildo if you are brave enough... Bonus content... 10,000 hours... Big Jay Oakerson and Louis J Gomez show... Mustaches and why they make you look deviant... Bad Orlando vibes... Masturbate your way to a better career... Phantom clitoris orgasm after removal... Orgasm training... What people think the average number of sex partners per person is... Porn stars banging fans... Dick implant stats on celebrities... Episode of "Rule 34"... Erectile dysfunction and seeing red... Really bad corny jokes... Tits Man - New boobs, and implants save another woman's life... McDonald's cup pornography... Katie's awesome story... Is that stolen clothing in your pants or is that your dick... Adult DnD butt plugs... Kitten orgy and that cat that almost paid the ultimate price... More McDonald's artfully done pornography... Condom technology and how it has changed... New self lubricating condoms.
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#274 Orgasm Training
00:00:04 - 00:28:10
The following program contains adult content crabs language of sexual manner completely irresponsible advise along with some things you'll wish you could on here if you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on eight seven six three Katie's world starts now it and now live from rule thirty four studio I bring you a girl that won't masturbate with just anything it just seems that way embryo chaos dot net but we have been pretty busy for the past few months and we are still trying to give it y'all in regular programming so okay well it's a weird thing because live people will not listen to it in recorded form and it's really strange how are you ready to trust you said you wanted to play dress up don't you and yes I I you know they say anything to deal though if you're brave enough okay well fuck any not anything and easy it really is I feel weird I feel definitely left-handed that's right here she is your host the one the only kinky hitting I love hello hello and welcome to the show this is Katie's world number two seventy four it's weird I want to hear it then and then only if not then then fuck you and you better better have been broadcast again no less than thirty seconds before they hear it Elmo am your host Katie with me as always is talented plus coverage toy the one and only here okay what is up sure her we got home to thirty in the morning or so we went up to Orlando to big J O Kherson and Louis j Gomez over at the Improv but we all love you so we're doing this for you yes that's we still love you laugh people but that was so funny get into that US we are normally coming to you live from Meraz radio DOT COM Kinky Katie Radio Dot com what are you gonNa do it takes more people more than ten thousand hours sometimes dude I understand that I you know we say is that what you're saying I woke up extra early this morning after we were out gallivanting all night and we got home Hook Tuscaloosa as good I like them cleaning food Kiedis ten nine old we're free ball in it so we are free volun- it's so strange to do the show when it's not dark outside and on Saturday night Polish not completely separate thing picture necessity dzhokay background yeah it's more often with Polish trust me no I'm definitely more awkward and it was it was a great show a lot of fun I'll tell you though usually comedy clubs or really cramped in the seats are Subaru uncomfortable but ah if they have an option to get the meal plan the with preferred seating do that it's worth the extra money as still touristy completely set up yes for the people visiting the bows yes it's still a trap to trump well I mean there's good shit it all depends on my level of Neabry Asian okay you know what I mean I prepped that impact too hard today good considering off uh-huh a lot less than you seem on on podcast is that what you're saying I'm just I'm just saying like I mean I because I was sucking the shooter he's take you is to which is cool so if you're down visiting mouse gets off international drive yeah Dr Yeah it's super touristy it is dash you look a little unapproachable does he does have the pedal Stash Guard right now sure anybody with a stash pretty much anymore I'm getting used look like he was fifteen with just like a puberty mustache like it was very wispy it was very stash and not thinking you like you like kids so like up front and Center there was a twenty two year old that got talked to quite a bit and he beyond anything no no that's sure I've found several things very reluctant to chat for this one serve rules apparently I I know I guess I'm still new to this I've only been doing it was seven years seven years Oh you know in radio you never know what the if that's a character or if that's the person you don't you don't know we'll in radio you can almost assume a soda yeah weird people for Michigan we're we're GONNA go on that cluster and see a whale scene I gotta table I'll to ourselves we'd have to share it with two other people so there was a room usually was me it ends up there's like a half a person open someone's ass those I really liked to club it was completely comfortable yeah enjoyable experience I will say Orlando and we were we were right up by the by the state okay I didn't realize what was happening there so anyway I do have to say though I was pleasantly surprises the first time that I got to meet Lewis in person and he was a lot nicer than I thought most people are assholes in their own way and it's what's the exception you know pretty much exceptions are the ones that are decent good people yeah oh my goodness it almost feels like we're almost like a film on your it's a bad omen whenever you drive a New Orleans new airwaves you really let people into your true hair-color there's a lot of people that still have absolutely no idea what the fuck my real hair actually looks like yeah you want a nice full lustiest stash and sometimes it just doesn't come out better how hard you try or push that matter it's pretty sad I could probably grow on Howard anything like we lived there for a few years and I it's not like anything you can find but there's this weird undercurrent of weirdness that you're not video somewhere you know what I'm saying something completely inappropriate to to a bunch of Brown people on a telephone racial slur racial slur taking out because I never I take more than one spot whatever though I mean but even there is space around table so you didn't feel like you were Sir to I've I've felt weird being there there's more bars and restaurants than there are like mouse things well yeah yes yes it's definitely like that but it's mixture but he looked angry I was like I'll catch him after happens when you shave your head and you grow pedals window Orlando's are weird place it's almost like an e key kind of feeling strange strange little thing going on like it's okay on the face of it I I don't know you know they exist but I would just go ahead with the assumption that they're decreases because most of them are going to be because I I I I I was just like really WanNa go it I'm not no well in general across the board no I'm not not in general me not looking at a mustache and only of US I still love they'll like we don't talk like that yes you do I know you're talking to yourself are you do you have your own story line going on I guess I did well you know according to this survey done by this this company called you've Vigna people who regularly masturbate are more likely to be manager my tits out on display and as you put it I had my mean white lady here on hair short short haircut look like you're going to be on a world star hip hop I got the beard going well you're you're blunt anyway see and that's funny 'cause people don't don't really they don't know that yeah inside your hair so much maybe not maybe just calling the cops that's was the look anyway so yes I I had my resting bitch face in the Miami Wade here sure if you would always be stuck in the orgasm you know what I'm saying I don't think I would always be stuck in the orgasm I think it'd be quite the opposite you mean I definitely do you very well maybe they are you know Robin Manav in miss that achier of I mean I that's coming from a weird person like maybe it's just a different weirdness from what I'm used to I think I could just do crazy but I did I don't know if it does it does either don't have genitals maybe maybe they got shot off in the war well not masturbating will so there the last few weeks we talked about where it was even saying seven times a day or something oh no no the excited sake you know what I'm saying say I wonder how how far this Phantom limb thing goes fucking house so why don't you try to someone else you can find some bitches into it you don't have to do to me I haven't alike where it is I like it it works fine that's not you're not being very supportive of cooperative in well I'm sure everything between if you have genitals and you manipulate yourself to get off then did applies to you okay how does that cover everybody Dick Dick well let's say if you lose the legs names you get like that Phantom that was that was my theory for a long time with you it's like they're like charter look older like I have a fake id of gross you cro- Katie shed help it hello there good chance there you just gotta you just gotTa Rub elbows with the people from Iowa or wherever you know what I mean all hey we're I've been castrated but imagine imagine imagine a world in which I could guarantee that you would be you would be able to turn on and off said quickly whip cut it right off I'd put it in a little chatterbox so you can see it so it'd be all cool and stretchy Audi yeah all stretchy out recall but then I wondered your theory wanted to talk to me about it for like ten minutes and then maybe by the end I'll have my mind change now be paying you just rip it out by the route you will was I wanted to know if if if I right in the middle of your orgasm removed you're you're violently you know what I mean just is at work seeing of the manager mean herald and we talked about this once before we were talking about it and I questioned you know how productive is it really aw while you're lucky that they even realize you have ahead ahead of just saying yeah whatever anyway learned pink she lives in a way better neighborhood always have riffraff flow bobby it's horrible what was that last week I this yes Marie died though like where near like when you're coming home you know it's kind of like can I get off before he opens it makes it harder now that have declared it but eventually you will insist yeah right yeah sure so votes if if you ever hear saying well door okay okay so and I try to I try to get closer and closer every time okay just kind of seen like can I do it Gazza whatever you want I would teach you jet tricks like I could teach you how to meditate and bring it on whatever you feel like it ready to go I I could I can go and in a couple of minutes so what you're saying is is your like a kind of like Rockley that would happen I mean obviously you would want that ability you know what I mean able to turn your orgasm on whatever you felt like you know what I'm saying all out you grab it by the root a we'd like a fucking Dandelions for yeah but then I come out of the Veggie you like hey would you do the butthole here's these Asian businessmen to keep passing rents out a giant now I'm not doing it for science yeah yeah you're being you're being shady sport is what I'm saying oh you should really go allows what I wanted to yeah why not if you're beating up all the time well it's all the time they only talk about once a day once a day once a week once there was another weaker Moore's one recently we did again please help me I don't know what's happening is all twitchy and stuff time she make noises it's different once a week this this once a week or more it does this apply to men or women or what they say both everything in between from Naruto where you've trained into your body now like you're almost to the point where you've trained your body orgasm a lot quicker yes okay issue of the educating your button cutoff yeah yeah you'd be over the edge but you now button isn't your whole your clip actually runs down the for for contempt Japanese suspended sleeping anyway fucks her Prabhu so much attention in a world where I guarantee how much can now oh you know lie all right well lately it's been getting more so close neighbors I'm over here on Brown towd sees okay lower half so all over that and my pussy both both the policies and the roast beef beef is pretty funny I thought it was real funny than you come out of the kitchen everything below your ways covered in this summit like if you had literally fucked weird she got a wet last time strategy shoes okay yeah well you did accidentally stray our cat number for sex partners at a lifetime average number six six okay yes six well Kinda twenty tonight kitchen was fucking hot sauce that wasn't my fault hot sauce mayonnaise just flying it right at the cat fling it right at the cat you're going to have ed here might be as scared cat ordered always play whether it's AH action happening well no no no I I really think that at least I could say I'm above average at something has to be in the clock 'cause I've been trying to do it so many times you know it's kind of that goal for the world record like no no no sure there's a maceration world record all of them I mean question in your opinion what do you think is the average within like ten twenty seconds but this is all that took all the check was the rookie out by the roots action isn't weird at all no this isn't awkward why are you coming into the dark bathroom like all like high on easier somebody there's sexuality please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day I know I was making you a dipping sauce like people are saying that you flung it this is what I'm hearing that the word on the grapevine is flung it I'm hearing that you breath because in even in my my line I'm in the two percent are you going to get to ws already then that's only like four percent the people are saying that that's the average well this is what people think the average number of flung it at the Kennedy yes well water doesn't work so you know I had to flee with Texas Pete but I really did hear some sort of commotion I and a Half Let's let's break this down here okay zero three percent said one fourteen percent okay chewed at twenty four and cutty no it's just an inquiry research we're not gonNA call study because this was not nearly enough side conine in five two nine two four and five to nine are what the most people say okay that that's like around what the average is twenty percent of people from they did this whole big fucking like Saturday no they didn't they call it surveying other people right okay and then ninety one and more that's only two percent so the kitchen and I can't comes flying out with covered in fucking hot sauce trying to lick it off it just kind of stayed in there like Oh my God the devil and he just although Rio because it was it was like it was like a red tinted Banias signs all over her that's me I was like Kay I'm thinking Arby's owners are saying that yeah like the average yeah it's not actual this is this is what the appearance of how many people think other people I'm twenty two percent say that that's kind of nine that's the people say your average would be okay if you're getting to like twenty one taste like shit like I'm not going to get it done I wanna get right there and then I'm going to be really pissed and upset but then the key is just going into lock and a what this is not fun Oh my God it's only and I don't WanNa Lick it oh my God he's starting to look at it was like don't worry I cleaned him off oh you definitely or you're just talking percentages you're not talking numbers oh I'm sorry is what does that concern how many partners is the Laura Rivi out it's it's making my click jump in my asshole twin while you're asshole what is your asshole have to do with your clint well to percents thing that like people they on average have been laid down one hundred six or whatever you know and in their lifetime that they've had sex with the whole shit on it that's a that's a I can't imagine like taking that average yeah no I can't imagine that the average either two percent of of the people that they add Joao Bosco me so mad I mean of course it's possible if you're somebody like a celebrity they could just show up at a place and bang yeah four girls and tonight you could rack up some huge numbers really quick yeah but then all the fucking bullshit lately is they take pictures they rob you they chided here I'm tired of going out looking for another day so just hang around and whatever you know what I mean I guess you can stay yeah quipped fucking hoes so bite your tongue or you say hey meant like nicer hose no that's men and women you lady or or whatever sex you're going after whether it be neutral or whatever you WANNA call it and whatever person where its population fifteen hundred you know really them all well and let's say you know eight percent ten percent of the population is like old people and if I can say that you me too me and whatever and let's say you didn't even do any of that now now you have to worry about that third ways ways around all of this of a sexual being harder okay and and yeah even if you're personable yeah Y- what are you gonNa hit fifty one hundred the United States and you put a number on it I said six because there's GonNa be a whole lot of people that that banged one or two three four girls five a locally and she has a bunch of porn and of her videos of she she says I Bang my fans and she does and wishing it all together and you know of course if somebody has some social skills and at knows how to not be creepy too the other section Oh maybe later on in your career when you're starting to shut you need a little boost you can release I didn't all the people I don't WanNa have already now like your your number of potential banking's maybe the hundred and chill pick like three or four fans and then they each get their own separate I mean they're not together they get their own separate fuck fest with her and then she so you're going to have a lot of those people then you gotTa have a lot of big city people that are just crazy as all fuck and it's hard for them to find a higher number of evil you gotta you gotta you gotTa do things in a certain way that's all you got to set yourself up for for no fucking corey I really don't know what an average would be I it depends on the person the personality and whatnot and whatever you just kinda take of the people in you gotta hit one hundred percent fucking activity for every girl that you could possibly banging your talent to even hit one hundred not going to happen you need to live in a big city that's true I'm for it we're cool with that maybe throw a few more on your number as you go through the years but you don't have that pressure to hit a big number anymore want you once you get to to you know fifty one hundred I you know I like God it was just like regular orgies uh-huh most people are just going to be done with the activity of that's a lot of effort you know what I'm saying I just WanNa fuck me for the rest of your life I mean you don't have to go sir puts it out on the video that well that's what I'm saying if you have some sort of thing like that going on obviously disguise limit I mean as much as you can bank as many the big monster numbers you hear like ten thousand people you know that's that's a lot of fuck and that's a lot of work for somebody who's got to go aces and no misunderstandings and you know maybe videotape everything happens in your bus and maybe you make sure you know as you can bang but for normal people for like your average person if you could fuck and find three random people in a month or four random people among did you know you know what I mean at some point you're going to get tired and strangeness in Your Bed at some point you either GonNa stop or or you're just gonNa be like look just housing hours you bang and Rondos there's Naughty Alicia at least a Lisa Alicia she lives here breath yeah for twenty five years you know think about that it takes you a long hugging dime months years so let's say twenty five year to get these it's work it's worked that's what I'm saying it's at some point I'm getting sick all the work getting sick of all the even if it comes work forty hours a week well I mean what we watch that NYMPHOMANIAC at one point US fucking tend to do today and still holding down a job you know guys whatever you know what I mean well Europe is going to be small town America there's a smaller pool of Shit to bang is what I'm saying if you lived in a place it hit my month Dick ends if I don't do at least three dudes in a month I'm not gonNA hit my average super easy to you any back surgery something I need to fuck it I want to read a book one day you know this is so nice they're just not universally likable swim saying some people okay so there you go every six so you're taking it from my everybody can I turn my brain off sorry an self church of the Latter Day saints does not recognize Katie I mean I I don't her over they really should have something like that they can implant into a tech and we could put it into like real rockstars and things like that and live vicariously through their sex life you know what I mean you tracker yes like a tracker they could show how they get after it how how many times how long the duration really far behind is Marcus for some reason I would take Joe Rogan would be make sure he was at the top of the leaderboard so I I don't know how did I he seems pretty into his wife okay well it could be just as wife you don't know who they're banging you know of their hanging rigorous activity going on along the way it's going to have a katy he's you see the numbers on my fit bit new donald it's about turnover ask every minute of your waking hour keep my average gotta keep my God gave up my average three more Dix today I mean I have to say no they could say how many people they don't have to say who or what gender just to tally like Ding Ding I think we're going to go to episode of ruled thirty four and when we come back we've got a very strange situation from erectile dysfunction also a brand I have a board on that's right you could see the nationwide person who you WanNa live through his sex or her sex Jacob is backup at number one L.
00:28:10 - 00:30:46
Maybe you get an extra bonus point if it's new Tang you know what I'm saying new Tang on the phone it's young it's time bullet tasty and refreshing snack the open your mouth put a finger on each cheek and push until they touch you know what I mean I got signed a slam out of it though yet well like that you know what I mean and we can all watch on like a worldwide scoreboard Oh yeah like the Phychi yes but now the thirty four year old woman had to Oems to she had did you have double babies yes she did much like the guy she had a similar situation video questions from you where se talk about answer questions from people who are listening lives so if you want to submit something you can submit it to me and we will a US couple of days ago by Bobby's probably a little CB do it it's crusted over for right L.
00:30:46 - 00:32:12
Mucus plug on the other side or a left at the ooh she had double double sided Wang whole double angle she either it was like choose your own adventure yeah go left or do you want to go right the earth and new tits man along with some other stuff that's funny talk about and I'll stay anyway cigarettes nation you know what I'm saying I've never giggled at your cock no you can't no it's on Gig lable really and Acadia radio DOT COM G.
00:32:12 - 00:43:16
DOT COM and on facebook I'm also on life but I hardly ever go in there but if you want to see my snatch a whole club many men suffer from erectile dysfunction either from time to time or for a longer okay and I mean there's a lot of drugs on the market have heard of it to help yeah okay I'm GonNa say that's what it is so he had w terai more multiple year I and it was up insiders cervix well knows up inside because the cervix and her vaginal canal was split we're going anal pulled up mm-hmm I don't know but we are better than one but apparently not this lady girlfriend go for it all their life yeah good old Kinky PD radio for all your Kiki radio need what will come out crabbe and now she had but she did have to now is it uterus is you'd Ri- ri- Way Cooler I do that like occupy like it if you fall I'm definitely breaking Femur if I fall from here you fuck it hold together here back to Tiki Katie's world rather your life dot Com Katie Radio Dot com number newscasts dot net's and you get the Turtle Interact Kinky Katie Radio TV that's the least of your worries you know what I'm saying dear double vaginal I wonder if she had the ability to choose choose the Veg side you left side I maybe well I don't see right side squeezed through half the size of your postman you're against it it's just gonNa slam the edge against the wall what about the enemy I mean you could totally take your fucking cheeks on either side it's just a slip dead pretty much it's like the nerves make me make me hold on better I I completely agree this this loose is an hours of being a master and it's not enough for you know you need more than two thousand hours yeah that's true but I don't know when have I ever done that here it's too masculine team escalating emasculating it removes Mascot sildenafil angry uh well my routine gets thrown off and fuck Yuppie this what it's red fine Fred has been left with permanent red tinted vision after taking too much liquid it's yeah I think it makes it way more fun that way yeah exactly anyone we're talking about the poor guy well this one particular guy going into my throat yeah honey we're doing newborn go tonight dot when I usually do it and when I'm working with a net I don't like this net no I like live now on Crete down there so how did that happen crazy right one of them state like Stu several wounds lying no and I was ready it was like no I get all that squeezing and fucking the guy be a mighty store guy it's not a good idea I'm set doesn't doesn't help either one of us out really become untidy name names calling he now he's got a whole new issue to deal with along with his limp Dick and unnamed dude well they didn't want he didn't WanNa put his name in the article let's call them what I mean about the while I was born in well caesarian well actually I will never missy section the other one when vaginal okay now I don't know that rip the tunnel or how does that work because it'd be so we'll remind you if you do just be in the live shows the pre show blow shit show she did one black baby why baby now cooler but one was born a little later than the other awesome don't call me Shirley Wow wow he's gonNA keep seeing a real keller glass this like like at this point it's almost like everything's gotta be monotone almost like gray scaly he said he'd risk recently taken this liquid well persistent use of this medication and overdosing yourself can cause a rare retinal toxicity it probably use it or possibly future show that's Kiki Katie Radio at Chelsea cops say oh my goodness it was published describing the side effects and when the man went to the hospital he was in a complete fuck panic and he's and he's like I'm seeing red your Internet meme humor hey whatever 'cause I know that's where it came from yeah it did the fact that somebody would do a me about it and then somebody else would kit and try to use it because they thought it was really good Marie moved in the closest to progressive the added Maja we were just talking about your little guy a little guy I'm care you're not getting yourself lay that way yeah no guy wants here oh I can ask you something about the many pleas to the men I please none of your damn business ed out matter but she she went to a very large size and I am so excited to see them and she's she's allowed to take her sports bra not like I'm really angry no he's like is a red tint in my vision and he's like yeah they're like what have you taken recently you know what the fuck have you been doing I wonder how have they tried by seeing that stuff works really good no it's not gonna work because they they even did a case study like you tried to poach that I didn't try did try I do there's they're trying yeah well we don't know we don't know let's remains to be seen we'll see how they come up maybe it'll be glorious all right well here is tits saved she's still keeping it under wraps that she got a new set of Oh I didn't even think about that later well I think we're GonNa your favorites like stand right standing by moves in and on the News Eh Entertain Myself Somehow I'm sorry I can't entertain you show him I how did this guy walks into a diner to stances they're all in the same side as he lights yeah but they're all the same water okay now they're not what green which which which which way did they tell me arm-free bowling action it's left-handed however you know still have fun doing it I know people like it too but it's a lot more when when you think you're gonNA like split your head record holding implants walked away from a car crash that would have been fatal yeah yes another way I mean she got a brand new set Tata's just yesterday and she's not yesterday the day before yesterday still thinking we're on a regular aw it's time once again for first off in the van I wanted to congratulate a friend of mine I will leave her name out just because aw it depends it depends on my level of mood of what I find funny for the moment I don't know like what says more the fact that somebody would come up with that or black I live part to this chicks huge fake tits mom saved your fucking life thirty two year old model with for maybe like like how's he get a look at a traffic signal casinos agrees on the bottom does he was a sideways late after it's the right to the left to the right is it my right exactly don't know confusing it is well then don't you got into Braille Oh my God images off today so she can take a look at the pups they did oh she said she's in pain it's very sore but she's cheesy Ooh did talk sexist in my written well he he's had it for over a year now and unfortunately it's permanent I don't know I thought it would be funny to slip in there and watch you walk right pass it well sometimes you can do that and then you giggle leader Gigawatt you're like not extremely happy she got it done well okay we'll see how they look now I'm sure they're gonNA look because personally no the doctor okay what does it matter slide passion laser dots did they talked to yes around then and then but there's four percent of people said they didn't know what the Gbi no I mean I really vicious she was saved by her by her personal airbag okay she started she started where they triple m tits and she had a reduced decays Jessica still fucking some damp just because well no no there was a reason for it okay fucking big no they're still has oh yeah and there's three designs but only the one design is the is the fucker it's the hot curl Katie acute like summertime little drawings on the on the cups okay well if you hold it one way there's the girl on the front of the Cup and Oh job and if you turn it another way he's grabbing her wasting fucking her in the ASS has to be a mistake they said it is uh-huh you're looking filing no please stop well she's coming that was her thirtieth breast enlargement surgery for some people once they start getting infected hey why don't we stop doing this ridiculous giant Hooter I'm pushing past this through this I'm going to go beyond my limits fucking Dragon Ball Z style.
00:43:17 - 00:56:03
Yeah Yeah Oh go and super saying okay it's man for the week most people get infected whatever you know they're calling it quits they're saying up not her oh no no no I am pushing super-duper secret ultra secret say McDonald's in Japan they they launched light of Mick phys soft drinks made with this there's a little boy on the other side and when you hold it one way they have like their make a sweet little kiss okay well if you turn it the other way she's giving him presents the Anti psychotics psychotic wow shocked big old flotation devices cushioned the impact intentional porn they pulled him as soon as people were like what the fuck is this and now people are trying to find him in collective because because isn't fucking put them on your Jesse sounds awesome free you though well what had happened what had happened apple for the first time but she doesn't Know Your Your Ham candle is so fat that it needs a birth certificate home from a from a super bowl party and a tree just jumped right out front of her she said she sharper the Dui and she wasn't wearing a seatbelt I'm not surprised who was is she lost her triple MTV's due to an infection and that's why she had to go down to Cape but when she got the infection is she said she said she wasn't drunk she doesn't drink it was her medication she was on a oxy's I've been taking a boob job yes she was her anti the her triple m's again and possibly larger than that she said she'll do that and she will pump them up until she bursts she literally said that says she looks hot on that club Oh that's on Katie that's awful about it I didn't make the cup I didn't mean I didn't make the cup with the fucking children on that look like this banging and I am not the one that's GonNa pay big bucks for that you know what I mean yeah no I know what you mean somebody else will gather will it was perfect you woven intricate story there whatever I was just the perfect story for the right moment you're an asshole please they pay thousands of dollars for a fucking like corn ship that like oh it looks like a sloth and they're like yes does the by that corn chip there was a man accused of shoplifting after staff saw suspicious bulge in his jeans okay but it turned out to be his ten inch salacious is so far totally want to pornographic McDonald's Cup 'cause they allow one well here's the problem they're both kids that's pretty horrible opting that I've been doing on my chest she has this morpheus fucking lobster like just won't go she wants to get a bigger she can't wait until her infection clears so she can go back ah yeah right well anyway all of a sudden just out of dead silence someone says there are three sausage because he likes to wear tight jeans he's a forty six year old grandfather as well okay well anyway spiral honey had saved your life anti psychotics Yep antipsychotic Ed ads oppresses yes tit man such you and then stopped at that that's where it ended and we were all fucked up just one person it silence the laughing we all started lab solar bears on an iceberg one slid down and said we he other slid dad said we the third one down and said I have a radio the managers started to argue with the man and he kept saying dude it's just my fucking cock of course I would definitely I would immediately ah see I'm telling you to so a birth certificate so punny fun task they said You have something in your pants I would've told them once look it's my deck and then if they would would persist guess what's happening you're seeing my day your jacket off I'm GonNa tell you right now lady if you're GonNa make me pull my checkout you are gonNA touch it until it explodes well the manager still wants to press charges because no one asked him to take his pants off and said that he was acting aggressive okay I would be fucking yeah so people go there listen to country his AAC and drank a lot earliest it used to I don't know if they're still doing it or not or what there's no fights anymore sorry here as you said I had something my pants I told you I didn't you said I was lying so what's the next step the next step is pull my pants down we're all gonna go to the to the Chili Cook off and every was fucking shit faced at like five o'clock in the morning and there's about eight people my parents it's a lot of times it's just so stupid it's funny there's there's there's definitely something to that there's a lot of things that are so stupid they're funny okay you said that I said you know what they should do I'll they've already been doing it because I just thought of it so immediately it's been done for the last fifty fucking years yeah never occurred to me the Dandy people are playing porn dnd I don't know why that never occurred to me but I'm just saying a right now when you super fucking do damned rack seat belt fits around me they'll fit around gigantic cut fun bags you did the deal this is one of the most crass things that I've heard it a long time but just how bad it was made me giggle go when your girl wants you to stretch her question why don't you want you you gotta close inspect put your mouth come on Oh yeah no he did finally dropped trial and he was like see and he still had his boxes on though he didn't flop it out being aggressive to go I mean just like you said it's my bag I told you it was my deck and it turned out to be my Dick Oh wow what does that that's the key of the because she confronted his package have and she's like and he kept saying to her that that it's just as dick he often has to roll it up off it's logical is logical if you WanNa have an a mature adult role played uh way too much money to so why don't you give it to me and it'll be cool I'll send you some socks there was a kitty that was left meeting glucose drip yeah but but she yeah she wasn't fucking sold on it so he had he did whip it out in front of a security guard I I would have had to have made a deal five oh five will it out unreal yes well there is a there's a butt plug that has a twenty sided die on the end of it so it's like you know you pop it in and you shake your ass after getting his rocks off with at least five females in one night after that after he was left out of his cage at a hotel thank such as what what what maybe another example of bread it's so stupid that it's funny we were guy other you guys are GonNa Party Tonight Click Click Oh yeah all the females are sinked up and little bobby I'm GonNa leave your little crate open buddy hey man her birthday catnip and I'm GonNa let you out for the night living on the floor Chili Cook off is just a big red neck festival or people going Fred next her story I could just see some fucking fucking attended at veterinary place at as he's leaving at night when everybody angry listen to your asshole especially when it's talking to your clip I mean their neighbors and you'd think they'd be friends and they're not been neutered and was particularly Naughty Kitty this stirs owl nice and he was caught on security cameras getting it on with the other cats owner of how and they said that will they should have been more responsible if they weren't planning on having kittens they did they got there could be others but they just don't know 'cause they only saw five on the tape fucking Horny Asian Pussy the hotel owners put blame on the on the torch but and the top role that's what it is okay we out a flight of stairs and see what it comes up with at the bottom sisters how glucose drip and they also compensated the owners of the knocks over their cats they came five hundred bucks a piece if they were pregnant I guess you had to be there the situation of Valley's fitness that was a good story to pick out to tell their Katie awesome good wrong it's just my dig he'd been trying on clothes in a men's store and ended up by four did it looks like it looks like a jacked up carrot top because it's Ronald McDonald all buff and he's wearing nothing but a red thong gene d game you can get a butt plug that has a maturity who I'd never thought of that just doing like x rated dod I throw you down and fuck this shit out of your Elf with my day get all into it aid it's kind of creepy the restaurant and selling the fries that feature also features similar logo to the Golden Arches AH which oddly enough he is the founder of the the x rated Bunny Dungeons and dragon a roleplaying game yeah he's he's uh-huh I try not to laugh at those to encourage the people who write them yes I know well because there's an eleven you look at me like that's a case every there you have a plug that's dollars please Yep they put a bong on the end of a plug they've seen fidget spinner when those things were popular and the sexy mic Crotch fries art was was originally done by an artist in New York like wizard skulls or something NFC like they have so many bugs for everything they've got these weird book people make them they just take a regular plug superglue huck and bedazzled shed on it and go ed he's totally white and then he's got red thong like G.
00:56:03 - 01:00:30
string on just like hey and these fries coming up and talk happy birthday Buddy Geico so so he screwed himself into the dehydration yeah the staff was notified that Mr Zhao had that's a God damn cat that just didn't nuder dummy I like to spray I like it when he sprays shit in my house it's awesome for me oh well it's better than glades is at like how long ago did is it still do they use it at all at any advertising anymore I just can't I don't remember I can't remember Ronald McDonald's in anything in a long time on TV show younger people Mike Ronald who you had creepy clown oh creepy and he has his thumb tucked into the front of it exposing his Golden Salty Fried Cubes Steve's plus the nation had a had a competition to design a better condom okay well the research team created a rubber that gets slippery when wet there's so lubricated it lands you can blame the odor for you being a tip shed exactly well after some arguing in some you know change your heart the hotel paid for the vet bill for me Kuma floor he's the pull out method how well the when the Bill Gates Yeah I wanna see that babysits right Germany the kittens every day I'm one of them little jelly beans okay you coming out with new it let's go it on maybe condoms I wanNA talk about condoms they've come a long way run of the mill lube condom no no this is science they say this Oh Weiner Sheath is is good for thousand thrusts it's good for a thousand thrusts I don't even know how many thrust it takes to get to the center I can tell you know you can't yeah they say okay they say if you pump once per second you can surrogate money you have to carry it full-term now out support I don't WanNa see you get morning after pills none of that but it in her cat nap doc it's a brutal and so you know yes there's going to be a bulge and he said that's not illegal to have convulsion my pants are famous rich people we would know all these stats right away we would know how many pumps it takes fucking Anybody name your name your celebrity better of it it's weird that he's in two stories in one week it's kind of funny that I've seen this tattooed on someone as well what tattooed Oh that you're you're yeah thought the corpse book but you can get it for like forty bucks you can get any like we'll have more kipnes why didn't you get them neutered beards maybe I am maybe I am a bad parent however I don't have kids I have a fucking cat I've seen everything helps with my anxiety all ages and when your asshole comes out now you don't just don't actually they say only a third of men actually use condoms a third what are the other two-thirds decals he sent me the tip of taking Oh God all right everybody I think we're going to get out of here for the we the MC MC Crotch macron yeah the crotch cry cry because he's standing there he's got the full makeup von the bushy hair the red nose Kerak hugs you take the rocket off I want to find out a new yeah hey dwayne Senate all the stuff but then the cashier noticed his crotch and she got suspicious on the letting him get away with him for dollar socks seek that she blow just destroy childhood memories that's all except do do do even younger people even know who Ronald McDonald Liz I don't know zero.
01:00:30 - 01:00:04
AM or one zero five point five FM in Orlando and IHEART RADIO DOT COM so yeah you have anything for me had a solid sixteen minutes of the Slimy Jack Hammering before it rubs off now on a side note typical fucking they say last between one hundred to five hundred Strokes Cherry can what I've seen you try to decipher your notes before I know depends