#272 – Area 51 Sex
You are currently viewing #272 – Area 51 Sex
Area 51 Sex


This week!

9/021/2019 Hole size... Genital trauma... New tattoos... Super fan... Man looses his dick after his wife cuts it off... Excessive foreskin... Building a wall in the studio... Magical penis wine... Storming of Area 51 sex and the boon to the prostitution industry... Alien dicks laying their eggs... Betty Paige has reemerged... New kids toy really looks like a dick... Could we soon have Bang Bros Stadium... Bicycle DUI... Episode of "Rule 34"... Quality filth... Dick art and the woman that makes it... Ten inch black foreskin dildo and a six foot two red headed Oriental... Tee you can drink to make your cock hard... No more belly button... Tits Man - six states you can now show woman nipples in public... Man lost his thermometer inside his dick hole... I can fuck that... Why is Portuguese urine the best urine for whitening teeth... Sex in the dark ages... Sexual dyslexia... New dildo plant opening in Pennsylvania... The Yelling Duck.

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#272 Area 51 Sex

00:00:04 - 00:05:12

The following program contains adult content crabs language of sexual manner completely the irresponsible advise along with some things you'll wish you could on here if you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on there's sexuality please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day because I was fucking the Shit Outer First Mistake Katie's world in ten nine repeat seventy six three Katie's growth starts now. How are you ready to dress. You said you wanted to play dress up. Don't you in New York and now lie from rural thirty four studio. I bring you a girl. That's not very good at judging both sides here she instead the key. Katie and welcome to the show here at the lovely ruled thirty four studios rose and also what we're coming at you. Live from radio live DOT com. He gave me radio. Dot Com in radio chaos dot net. I'm your host Ken game with me. As always is my favorite. I don't WanNA nearly mysterious. See Yeah how you doing sugar palm yes. So what does that interest out very good at judging a hole sizes that that's what. I thought it said whole take that guy's whole you like. They're stacked up when there's like three holes in a little grouping. It's your favorite liked. You liked to freak people out. That's fine Gosh Weirdo ally. That's okay so yes welcome to the chaos. That is the world of and we've got a fun show for you tonight. We definitely have some new shit from around the web and brand new tits man. Yes it has luby's in it so fun fun one segment that actually has ted go figure wow. I know it's amazing and what would be a complete show or a whatever. I don't know what I'm trying to say. You would have tried to say so. I just sat it. They would not be episode of Kinky Katie's world. If there wasn't some genital trauma now what it go anyway why why why would. I possibly ever want to get a good night's sleep on a Saturday night. You know like why would why would I ever want to like sleep. Sleep not thinking that you're rummaging through the Internet to find find out where girls are cutting their significant other dick off. It's always the story that guy guy calls girl fat girl coach. Dick off vomit styles deb to sit. Oh my goodness so yeah kind of talked about in the first hour. I hinted at in the pre show where we're getting some new tattoos. Yeah Hey timing. Did there are some of the fans they're they're kind of obsessed. Whenever I get a new yes okay uh-huh could film. I have one guy asked me I had. One Guy Actually asked me didn't tell you this but he asked if I could if he could lick it while it was France. Oh Oh dot com. Oh no no. I know I mean. I don't know what your mouth has been well. You don't know where my blood has been so. I'm just saying I'm just saying you're rolling the dice here buddy. You don't even know what you're getting yourself. I mean I it's already too late for me. Oh so so you know you know you might not WanNa. Look that wound yes so I think it's a little at the judo. No no you don't know you're so mean but yeah no it was one of the things that I said when I was getting the the roses on my forearm and he's like Oh.

00:05:12 - 00:10:09

Can I like it. When it's pretty crazy yeah kinda? Give me the chippers. I appreciate taught yes. That's very nice of you well. It's something it well it is. It's creepy but you know did ask for every see see you know for every fifty girls. He asked that one of them's bound to not call craven blog him. You know what I'm saying. Yes Sir Lick. It like a cat some girls really I mean they. Maybe they're into maybe they are. You know what I mean. That's that's like humiliation over. You know you know what I'm saying like my fresh tattoo not right here. You know there you go low. She ended up at all yeah. I saw. Oh my goodness. Get Bad because you remember when I got the last one done. It's what's wrong to your skin. It's weird I I did. He's weird as weird. Oh speaking of tattoos we have our Superfan in front of the show Shane Coming Tomorrow Shane and his wife. I believe used to really yes. I'm surprised that we haven't read the story where she cuts his take off some point now now come on and he's vowed to have done something to piss her off before they went to bed. Come on oh well Melia. There's a good chance that maybe one night she just gets batum says you know what fuck you asshole. I just don't see her doing that. I don't know but you never know. It could be the ones that you never expect. You're like what the fuck that is what I'm saying for Burke. That's what I'm saying. That's completely could happen well. It's kind of funny that you're talking about Dick Torture because that's why there's fifty six year old lady she tied over her older husband and cut off his shelly candidate Alf. Let me guess he called her fat or something. Nosy actually abusive this time. I'll take actually abusive you order being because then turnabouts fair-play kind of a thing no actually no. He doesn't even know why she did it her. What do you think she used. Well well ACADIA member. Obviously I went into catch and use myself. One of the poultry shares poultry share. You are so so close their pruning shears. Yes she called. She called nine one one and she told the operator that she attacked his favourite part of himself. Which is an ally? Maybe it's a chronic masturbaters. I don't know why was had to cut it off. She also said that she couldn't get enough blood out of it to make the sign of the cross or even right-center. Oh yeah well. I think we're getting a clue. I think Aclu just came across star Jazz Katie. Yeah I think it blew right in front of us right right there. You catch it no no now. He probably cheated on her porn or somebody set off. Yeah your taxes favourite part. That's right his favourite part. Maybe maybe he was like excessive. Force can wear like he had that five inch as long dangling foreskin. You know what I mean. He had to like roll down like Doc. Ross member. I said I'm trying to be nicer trying to be nicer and you're making it very hard for me to be nice. You mean there's a lot of people out there with five inch long foreskin. I think we would all agree. That would be a weird fucking. Tang that one dude who wraps it around a stick and stretches it and shed that's does that would be really strange. That's so if you stretch out your foreskin to five five inches. You can no longer be sensitive when we say you know. That's pretty fucking weird you can't you can't be you stretch out your foreskin to five inches fucking doc in wind socks. I don't like gross. It would not look like a regular day. No prolapse APPS asshole or something. What if he'd like. You're taking you just want it to you want to beat it a little. You know what I mean if you're tired of I'm tired of like Dick Titan and not grow me a law has foreskin rose robie one Katie Great. That's terrible like it stop it. You are pleased up a lye well so anyway she even the call went on for over thirteen minutes and she even recommended to the pruning shears to the operator UH. She said because they work really really good at cutting roses. She tossed a towel. Adam and she said that Oh you're not GonNa die I because you have to carry a message and then when she asked the operator asked like is he conscious and she's like he's just dandy.

00:10:11 - 00:15:10

Is He really dandy. Apparently is now we deserved it as I don't know it's whatever I know. What are you like Stevie wondering over there. I'm plugging going over the concert. I was just listening to before we did the show we you're. You're not supposed to be like what are you doing. Do I fucking. We're going to build that fucking wall. It's the car on. I'm getting to build that wall my fucking northern border is that all right my border so we're going to have these dividing yeah things. I'm putting something between us because you you ask way too many questions about what I'm doing over here. I care like why don't you keep your eyes on your own paper. I'm curious. Have you ever heard that. Keep your eyes on your paper. I don't want to to Claude I. I'm not confident enough on my own listen. I have to say if you look at you for approval. No no no provable by any kind of a signal signal other than what I say all right. Don't worry you can't take visual cues fucked. What about the people listening what Adam what about them. They got they have they can only take. Jake fucking cues from what we're saying. What are we gonNA have secrets behind their back no to secret communication. Do you know there's this stuff that you guys should try. It's called magical Pena's wine when you just want to get that drunk that Dick Drug and fucking. I think it's actually made from from Animal Dick from animal really yes wine. Well Dave fucking. They put everything into into wine. They confusing all kinds of cool shit not no well. I wouldn't say infusing. They stick it in the bottle. You know there's like a snake in the bottle. There's a seven to Keel right. Maybe Chef Dick in your I don't know extra for fucking Human Dick Dick Dick Dick cannot pick it out in the tank like a lobster that one ooh put that one in my bottle still alive still alive still alive. It's still twitching. Eh that means. It's fresh helping ready to go. It's just a neurological reflex. Torey people freak out about. It's not alive of anymore there. Is this Nevada sex worker. she said that that storm area fifty one thing a-as a little bit ago he wanted to see if the military would actually shoot them. Yes okay yes so that they will actually shoot you. You know there was only a couple arrests for public urination that's and they said not that many people showed up but it turned into like they had all the Hippie like music festival and really public urination. How how bad is that really here not too horrible if you've been arrested for that no no. I've been arrested for that. I wasn't going to say things in public record. I wasn't doing anything weird but being drunk drunk and peeing behind a dumpster like you know what I'm saying. I know that it's pretty it is. It is something that you shouldn't do it. However any man that's in in a city in a major metropolitan area and you're fucking bar hopping and your shit faced and you have to be but you don't want to go back into the diner. That's full of fucking cops like literally. There was like twelve cops inside at the table next to us and we were a little rowdy. No yes got back out to the car. I thought about it like do I want to go and I was like Nah Covina dumpster and then one of the cops meeting the other cops inside fuck. It swung around and it was dance pants off. Yes handcuffed move pants around the ankles. Everybody everybody coming out of the restaurant. It was it was fun. They wouldn't even let you pull your pants. No no if I still had to. I would appeal to them yeah. I don't doubt that at all. I was shit face. I don't drink anymore. It's one of the reasons yes Jim. I hit my community service for behind dumpster anyway well back back to the whole fucking area fifty one thing one of the one of the sex workers at the alien ranch areas. She says that and she says she's GonNa make probably about six hundred thousand dollars. I WANNA make a cool more than half a MIL Aryan ranch. That's right a Ariane's hurry ends red hands like Gloria Steinem Jesus but yeah you know good for her serve.

00:15:10 - 00:20:06

Go for it. Yeah make some money to it up charge hippies charging triple quadruple she maybe maybe she maybe she will yeah yeah. Should I mean you. You're obviously you're going to be doing it with those. fucking weird dildos lay the fucking alien eggs inside. You were those called. Oh yeah was Wadsworth. fucking insert eggs like they're like depositing toys. Yes and you take you take these fucking egg-shaped egg thing as gelatin you make you make college and you load them up in this fucking alien. Dick and then you shove the aliens. Take the orifice of your choice. impregnate yourself and impregnate yourself with is your new baby alien farm. Yes very alien. Far and gelatin will mel inside of you supposed to be okay but I wouldn. No you know. Let's just me but if you do it you know. Make sure you let us let us know how long you had that yeast infection yeah. That's what I'm saying or whatever the fuck you get out of it. Let us know if it was worth it safe. You're gonNA good make it just do it in your ass because because it's fine and just fire back there really nasty mood babies babies. That's just not right. ooh. We love it could be it could be a fun new way to take Jello shots shot to people aw why why would you why would you why would you do that. We're not GONNA do it and they're gonNa say I learned from her right. Their Dad Katie Qingcai okay talk more shit face you a main about ever clearing shoved him in my rectum. I've been blind and God damn best leg to hasn't got here. Tell you have the I'll be fucked up for three months. Katie real fucking funny. I you slowed is all bay eunice. Having Oh laugh yes we are not dumb ass. Don't infuse what why are we talking about alien insertion Dildo. What were we talking. We're talking about the alien area fifty one chick who's a prostitute over at the alien alien ranch as far from betty pages ranch. No actually it's not far she. She's now over at the Mustang ranch she. She's done like a couple of weeks at all of his locations hut. Remove it around a little. You know what I mean. Of course I a lot of them are pretty close to each other. I think I want to say it's a cluster because it's only legal in one area. It's a cluster whorehouse it's it's a cluster. Put the best way yes go. Check out page. Yes go see betty page. He said she reconstituting her fucking twitter account she is. She's trying to get back so it's yeah it's hard to remember now because she she's fucking. She likes doing the drop off the face of the earth action. She does where she just completely unplugged for like he year regrets it and she does. She goes fucking nuclear. Ed Status just like like pausing the account or doing something like that and she fucking goes nuclear on it facebook to everything is gone locate h-bomb on this bitch holy crap. It's like where did you go. I'm back like if not I'll just out of nowhere. She'll send me a message. She's like I mean obviously anime rules apply with her. Just don't ask questions you know hoping because she wants to come and visit though high did she Abedi. Just curious ship shares out. She's little spitfire. He's like five foot Tall Yup. There's a new kid's toy out. It's likely egg layer. No they came out like last year or whatever they were like really hot for Christmas. Is your recall hatcher. Moles these fucking eggs that you actually have Hatch Oh okay I shouldn't say well. There's a new version of it care of them and they're like electron kind of a thing and they know if you're not taking care of him. Yeah okay different lights come on and the shell actually cracks opened their toys. I'm OK well. They have a they have avenue a new version and it looks like a Dick. It looks just like a Dick when it POPs open. These kids kidding erected really looks like a tic. These kids did this this une boxing video and the like what the fuck for its the giant and its glittery pink and it grows through thirty two inches in height.

00:20:06 - 00:25:07

Wow they're really setting. You know what the worst part about. This says. They're really setting unfair expectation for these boys. You know what I mean. They're going to go. Oh my God I gotTa do someday. Are you serious. Are you serious. I can't grow that. Oh my God my tickets to small guy. How did mom ever not data of data ever. I'm not Mama. I don't know what happened. Well one one of the kids in individual said. Look mom a massive knob bloody brilliant uh-huh yeah you see you can see what it looks like and and how it pops up and you could watch it grow Nov.. Is that British for AH for for decades. Yes Okay Holly Walker. Okay dear the boot. It's sure round the trunk round boot around. Oh see now getting my accent's confused. It's hard to tell that's 'cause. I don't think that he would say it's just it's foreign to me so like foreign yeah okay. Why not actually there there we have? We've had a lot of listeners in England and then K. Hi Guys so uh-huh. I'M NOT GONNA try to do the accent I don't do. I don't do a bad one. I mean it's not not real bad but I I got to warm it up. I know I needed to give you like like I know. We have a lot of a lot of listeners over there and they're going to be doing. I got to give you a Cockney in C- to hear voice to it. Yes you can put a cockamamie knock hockey new cockney sneeze. Ah fucking COCKATOO screw that boy birds American Airlines arena has has been the home of the Miami Heat since ninety nine and while last year. They announced that they're no longer going to be sponsoring the Menu. I know who's trying to spots. I know so many wars begun in the front. Runner is Miami based Porn Site Bang Bros.. That's right. Bang Bros Stadia yeah ten ten dollars for ten years for the million dollars telling us at ten dollars as well as I say. Hey I twenty. I've been twenty dollars. Kinkaid Kinky Katie's courtyard probably well. They either want to call it. Bang Bros Center or BBC now I ah I like BBC birthday so for those of you that are unfamiliar with the term for BBC. We're not talking about the English Rush Broadcasting Bill Br British Broadcasting Centre whatever I say they would know. BBC does stand for Big Black Cock. They take a wild show now. Really people don't really ride with trading wheels around here. I think it's funny someone as Sushi the other day what a reach around was it's and she's like I. My life is completely. Larry honey honey lemme strap something on and I'll show you it doesn't feel right I do yes. It is shut up it over well. I you know a lot of basketball games plan harsh. They'll never let him too but it's a good thing insularity. It's completely promotional stunt for Shah. They actually came up with and I. I read somewhere that it was like a legitimate. They did it like a legitimate eh offer so they actually you know. I guess you're supposed to put up money or whatever two million though they they put it out. Put it into whatever the fuck they do. It was official but they pretty much know that it's not happening. That's no-go BBC Co.. Look honey. I got US tickets at Thursday nights van win over at the center now jet the BBC honey It's going to be one of those nights baby so so what he takes Jennifer. You did it all yeah. There were two drivers that were pulled over well. They weren't drivers. They were on bicycles okay. They're really using the term loosely here. Yeah yeah okay got pulled over and they got charged with. Dui It does happen but it was a late. Well there was a late night and you know they at least in America no self respecting European Dan Police Department whatever arrest drunk I and under bicycle where we do. We'll arrested with your writing. If you're riding through the wrong county for sure sure we'll see here again riding a riding lawnmower down a highway is probably sounds like you're gonna find in good old.

00:25:07 - 00:30:29

Usa I'm just guessing slut. I'm thinking probably by the way I'm GonNa be on that new. Florida Man radio station. I'm doing a guest by coming up on dangerous conversation cool yeah now now. You're speaking to a worldwide audience about a local radio. It's awesome whenever whatever uh it's out of Orlando so free people in Orlando or can pick the stations whatever okay okay. I don't know these people are on the bike pulled over because they almost got hit by a couple of vehicles in could there is no lights on their on their mics and it was like fucking midnight. Okay trash okay well. They got put in the cop car and then they both got naked and search to have have sex. I like it yeah. I like it. Did he finish. I don't think so because one of the deputies tried to try to stop me opened opened the door and then the guy's shoved him into running was this boy girl boy girl boy girl girl girl dot nine nine binary gender describing Pronoun on describing Pronoun. I will just say you'll see their mug shots and there was one penis. Viana okay this Cockatiel Adam. They were involved got cockatoo Pussy in the back of a car car well the eventually got caught and both of them had blood alcohol limits levels okay over point one five. Oh Yeah Yeah that's you know when I got to you I was I was a solid point two four and that wasn't even so much much later that you got that fucking Breathalyzer though they just before they took him in the hospital yeah so yeah no that was that was right at peak. I think I'm I'm just letting y'all know. I've never been arrested. Okay there's been times. I should have because you didn't try. That's that's right. Did you tried lots of times yeah. I know I'm terrible. I think we're going to go into an episode of thirty four and when we come back right and to bring you tips man and we're GonNa talk about some art and some nasty beauty trends and yeah so stick around. We'll be right back. I'm nine bullet basically and refreshing snack. Did you know that there is a there's a down syndrome. Jim Drag show negative. I did not know that that was the thing okay well. These fucking asshole people are trying to cancel their event because they think that down soldier Omegas they drag. They think that it's wrong and they think that they're being exploited. Even like we like this okay. I mean nobody's forcing them to do it. Nobody talked me into it. Okay liked. Apparently they have a group really it's a it's a UK base troupe of everyone has down syndrome in it and they wanted to come in to in grand rapids Michigan to do to put a program near the whatever and they're like no doc. I never occurred to me. It just never occurred to me that you know the extra chromosome and and a drag show how it just never occurred to me that Somebody Down Syndrome would watch address a drag. Why not just it's not something that anyone has ever brought up before. It feels a little left handed to me however I have. No you know what I mean. It's like watching a left-handed poll jerk off it like there's nothing wrong with the left hand jerking off at all however. It just looks Kinda Weird. You know what I mean. That's not right. It's will it's not. There's nothing overview congestion jacket they want. It's one of those things we're GONNA have to get used to the idea. Take a Lotta pictures okay. I need to see a say no. Dow OCCA- they just they look like drag drafted. I said okay so kind of you know. I had a different image. Let's say okay. I can't help myself shelf. It's the first thing that popped into my mind. You know what I mean like out of control stick to face Israel. That's the first thing about him. You know with the CO play Tetris with your goal in my bed talking dog food autism but she wants to serve my dig into change should tell you stores.

00:30:29 - 00:35:02

Josh interesting what welcome back to peak as world raspberry live dot com communicating radio DOT COM radio dot net us this before hot poor action action or action. We do play a few songs her mortgage for a while. We haven't in a while. We've been we've been rolling around on other. I was saying I dig it. It's quality quality felt really is that most of this stuff is really hardcore filled out dirty well given the total later act he can radio usually nudes or posted the weekly Daily News. Please yes there. Are you see my jubilees quite a bit. You can get on on my facebook. Can Katya radio key Katie radio DOT COM and can Katie radio at gmail.com basically Google me can key Katie radio how people call me Cabbie. Don't because it's not my name not to do that. If you actually want me to respond that's right. They just won't there's this chick. She makes Dick Art Giacosa Decor Cart CA-CAR CA-CAR. I she sells them on Oetzi and they're pretty cool making decades. What is she like fucking making shit out addicts tone Thomas. She's making shutout politics. Yes she's making shit out of Dick's. Are you talking about those. Dick shaped things I really had a different thing gets completely arts arts and crafts like everything has either a dick or multiple dicks in it really is the first thing that popped into my head was some blond chick from Nebraska with camouflage on and a necklace of cock all around her neck. Oh no no no that's fine like with like grease smeared on her face like she's GonNa on fucking commando unit like straight Outta Predator but she has cox hanging around her fucking necklace okay. That's not the way it's happening. No no a lot of these are in our encased in glass and like there's she made a dick into a lighthouse. It's I mean. It's all you know. I'll take it is. I'll take hard. There's one huge Dick. That's all like mere. Bald here balls the balls. Ah Yeah it just keeps you like that. There's the there's the Unicorn wine where it's it's like glittery and has a horn on it while Katie obviously I was heavily inspired by our current administration but she said you know everyone needs. Dick some people elites big tech and they're pretty reasonably reasonably reasonably priced. Check Art Yeah Cock Heart. Check it out so I mean you'll see it on the cart right for sale ca-car yeah. I mean how you GonNa explain now into the wife honey. I swear to God Hud Decoration. I laid it for you. I just saying I would display it. Well you know what I told you. I know we want edits scandal though for years for years years since since I've known you the very first time you asked me say hey what do you want me to get you for Christmas whereas they whatever and it's always either way to red or yellow the GO-TO with no big tits first goal to sorry yes natural tests goals sexual to read added or or the ten inch Black Foreskin Delta and I'm GonNa go on the record by saying I have gotten either gotten close on the six oriental. Yes just did not have the big tests and I tried to do it once. I try to dress up and didn't quite where you really not. Six two. I was in heels doesn't doesn't count. I know I'm not really oriental either. What and I don't have a gold tooth fake that that's favorable. Yes I know I gotTa Fuck.

00:35:02 - 00:40:05

Yellow highlighter pen right here. We can make something yellow God. We'll turn on the black clay. That's all I need like turtle black light on it here. Oh my God what the hell happened in here worse than a motel six six scarier than the worst on house anyway. There's this. There's this T- that Kate got got her man that I want to try. She got it from the Bahamas. It's a product of the Bahamas. Okay I mean there. You gotTA throw. The one of the girls do the movies with yes okay well. The passion is a gentleman's Ti okay I should the name of it is stiff. KOC school have gone. Yes Gentlemen St Traditional Performance Enhancer Answer. It says we tell you why this is known locally as stiff. That's right you know little known fact. If you ride up Viagra and just put them into you. It works fine fine. Blow it on my ass. Here's your apple sauce. It's so funny because I thought about getting some of the storm like why you put this stuff in my head. 'CAUSE 'cause secretly you. WanNa drug me you and mutilate my body secret about it. I drive hints on Tyrod. I can't fucking okay. Pick out. You really not helping the situation. Yeah I know really not make extra paranoid again. Yeah I mean who would leave me. That's me nipples hard. Ah telling you I know you're you'RE GONNA go. Fuck it around like that and somebody's not gonNa have a good time. We've got through this and I'll completely just say please. Please don't know you'RE GONNA dream. I can't control what happens. Seven and my sleep you. This is not good for you the one of us I'm telling you it's taking Melatonin yeah. I'M GONNA have to like time. I self down to something. That's it's not a good idea and then you're gonNA fuck. Fuck that no. Oh yes you would. If I know fuck you you better lock yourself in a room ooh. We don't need to know you're gonNA tape it. Show whatever it is. It's finding their where's Keith fucking noodling for catfish total snitch actually just wake up one day and just have it be gone beyond we can make that happen we get out and then you'll wake up and it will be fine. Oh I'll know you're digging around in there. It'll be painful and sore and then I'll be getting around in their Lord knows. I don't know how to do that stuff. I let cutting you open and then and then I would have thought in my head of somebody just did that to me while I was sleeping and I really wouldn't like it. I'd really want to open a backup and see what was in there to make sure you didn't leave something behind interests seal up on your way out but it wasn't me and no that's not a tracking device. How could I trust anybody to actually close that up out. I can't do it. There's there's no trusting anybody in Chicago. Put My name in the stitches just by but get that tattooed sued around a scar well then I could. I could cover right over the tattoo. Yeah that's true. I think we're going to go to your favorite a sex study by boobs in and on the New England fucking. It's time once again for Tippett. Man Flexes like fucking cat you how you get beat me on that one no no could. I wasn't looking over at you so I was ready for your assets time. Well you did a good job. I saw you had to tell they tell you what your switch. Why would know because I don't look at you while we're doing it broadcast. Yes you don't want to cheat. I can side. I don't WanNa Ritchie told you fucking wall. You're going to enjoy the worst part about that. Is You'll pay for it probably hey. You'RE GONNA fucking pay for that. Goddamn mentally sure I'll pay for six states now. Allow women to be topless in public public six six four Collins and Colorado had a city ordinance forbidding women to go shirtless in public and it has been officially the rules unconstitutional constitutional. You cannot tell where they can't show their boobs. That's right fucking America Mirka if if men can go topless and show their nipples so can women no.

00:40:05 - 00:45:01

We need to stop sexualizing women's titties. I Know Hotel do they're just say mankad shoulder. That's all dude. You got to wear pasties. We're talking about. We're talking about really weird people. If if you want to stop sexualizing titties okay. It's Kinda hard to do. I I'm already. I'm kind of all in on that. You know what I mean yeah. I'm so I you can't back out of that now. Because like my brain I like boobs. I like them too. and I wanNA touch them and smack him me to bite fight on our hands and just rest my face against my cheat. Oh soft and squishy totally will let you know that I'm thinking that chances are I'll tell you if you're walking around topless. I'll stare at them well. She's Bona Fide Agar the weirdest motorboat and oddly enough and the six neighboring states. You're women aren't allowed to have abortions. You got to pay them back for for going topless at him other states well. Let me just tell you which states you can do this end. Utah off Utah Colorado Utah Colorado Okay Wyoming Google on New Mexico Okay Kansas really and Oklahoma Oklahoma so weird little is it yeah. Is it contagious or something what's going on over there. I don't know that little patch of of of of like farm non-western yeah I mean a lot of that's just fucking wilderness. There's this flat wilderness side. Even farmers even farmer who fucking state parks and Federal Bark said you know what I mean well Hitman so yes. That was your tips in it for the week so go get your shirt off and if a cop says something to you just say Katie. He said it was alright so because she would she would vet all of these stories and make sure she was giving you. That's right yeah. We have a research department Oh One more thing that I remembered is. There's another thing about the area. Fifty one porn hub is on it. I I mean they've been they crank out some shit. They're all kinds alien porn yeah well. They said they have unearthed a video of two born stars rating area fifty one in being winging alien the video the video was released on September eighteenth and you can actually watch it for free on the porn hub link could have you'll you'll definitely will. We'll have it on our websites. What what you're saying yes by the way if you wanted to know anything about like where where you could get to Bart break music or like notes of all the stories Katie talked about we have links on the website for each additional shell for every show. That's right well. After a certain point I started doing it awhile ago. You've you've been on even doing a really good job. No links have been on it for a long time now. I don't remember when I started started about anyway anyway anyway. So that's it so you can look. That's not true. There's a there's a guy who got a glass thermometers stuck in his bladder. He he was Saudi went to our order after he shoved it in his urethra or a and wait wait. I not excuses fell no well. Yes I was sleeping and I roll over on it it was I just wanted to take my temperature and I didn't WanNa put it in my but I thought that's where you're supposed to put a thermometer. Komo did it. I mean obviously it smooth and slide. He has just rights is glass. I like taking my temperature care. Will you've reached a hard. I am too hard dirty a he had this thing in there for eleven days and then started a p blood and that's when he was like I need smell who wants to go to the doctor. I have the thermometer in my day. They call. I think I think it would pass the flab and now it's somewhere. It shouldn't may floating around somewhere deserves. A thermometer order shouldn't be anywhere near Your Dick. A small swallowed it a win. It's a medical miracle. I don't know how what ended up there.

00:45:01 - 00:50:04

It's like stick Mata with my Dick. Human bodies a crazy place and a thermometer fuck. What if it broke. That's rally what happened when no no no no no they showed they showed an X-ray was hole and they showed it when they pulled it out they had to go in with forceps and then and then they waited with will they went with a little camera first and then the snake. Dick very much with the camera and then they had to go go with forceps. They wouldn't break it there. I don't even know if they make the routers anymore of Mercury and I'm not sure if they do ooh. I don't know if it was like an old goes through ometer. He'd be could be dead killed himself by fucking Dickel with Robert Robert was even sick like I didn't say I need to take temperature. Don't fuck my dickel. Don't do that like I. I always wonder what is going on but then I remember what's going on it. Guys will do some weird checks to but like when you're a guy you'll think hey. I can roll up a towel around that paper towel old the paper towel holder holder thing he put some goddamn vacillated fucked the shit out of it fuck that I can fuck that thing Lavar. Hey there's a pool jet. It's about twice too small for my day. I could fuck that yet. I'm going to try anyway could fucked fuck. Fuck that jet. I see that big nut over there because Abu Mechanic I it's it's. I think I could thread that thing right. Oh my God Damn Johnson well. We're getting off later. I can fuck that nut fuck fuck this is so gross this little factoid but before the days of listerine people UC's year and mouthwash goodchild ancient Rome right yeah according to the legend wealthy Romans and they had Portuguese or Lithuanian year and imported in to freshen there breath and Whiten. Your teeth will obviously Portuguese urine is the best year in for teeth whitening. It's really worldwide well-known Katie Portuguese. He's fees. They said they said it was the most poor Putin in the world's right. It's the most the what the Romans believed and that's why they had it imported sorted and no but they were happy to do it because they slapped a big fat tax on a yeah well. You know you know what happened really well. There was a an early on wild fucking Portuguese salesman and he came to Italy and talked about all into the fact that it will make their teeth wider than any other goddamn Yaron Everbod. I really what he was doing is putting bleach in the urine. They didn't know that and the Portuguese really liked the idea 'cause they're like. Ha- stupid fucking Roman we feed you are P for your toothbrush. Ha Stupid fucking Roman Yeah r Kelly read this article here's like I wish I lived back then you ought to be maybe it's the the port wine they drink a lot of an and fucking and fucking Portugal there Gezi maybe could be. I don't know yeah there's also there's another little thing that was kind of a attached to that is people in each in. Greece these bathe Baid in crocodile Pu her could cause. They said that I had anti-aging yeah qualities okay. Does it smell like like older fucking lucky reptile sock. You probably saw oh gross. Alligators have a weird smell till reptile instinctive yeah yeah like you know right away like Oh. That's that's a freshman Rosalyn Yup. We saw fresh kill on on the road which really sucked so yes. Yes there was a big alligator trying across the road and got nailed by a Abbas all the time it does yeah I mean we were actually on a road called Alliot rallies. Yes go figure runs. The state not the middle of the everglades the big fucking swamp. It's Nin gas well. You're stuck stuck. You're not stuck Katie. Whatever is beautiful everglades. Everywhere beautiful everglades looked sawgrass more sawgrass look marsh. Did you see that alligator. Did you see his water moccasins. Thirty five thousand cousins today are like watering around everywhere and grunting. That's very good baby.

00:50:04 - 00:55:02

Her baby ater eight two tiny swamp kitchen. The males can get intent data. were vacant that like almost like a lion roared but it's real deep and low sake when it gets a fuck it march. April easy need to stay the fuck away from the alligators then you need to watch him. This is your public service now. So in for people people are like not near gator country in there like people freak freak the fuck out they take there's an alligator fifty feet away and they need to run and scurry around these exact motions or straight. I mean they could run over Tori you but you're you're okay. Alligators are lazy. They WANNA hang like if you walk down to. The water didn't know they were there. Okay yeah you got a problem but like if you know where they're not gonNA come fuck with you here okay unless it's march or April and then you know just leaving the fuck alone on and make sure your pets and animals are indoors for those two months. Yeah check your feet pull every fucking day. Yes they liked to get in your pool and yes they can climb fences and screen porches. Whatever they exist water I mean we we just had a few months the last season the lady who found five inner fucking kitchen yeah so so other than that not really bloodthirsty Thursday. There's there's that for a couple of months. A year wants to come in and say hi okay. Have you talked to potter Lord and Savior. Whatever trying to think of like a gator football player just yeah? I don't know anymore either sorry Cleopatra Cleopatra Than Donkey Milk. Oh God quote unquote say they get it from a male or female Katie. We don't know a melted donkey. It would make more sense if Kelly Kelly sexy steed instances fucking weird they also they also used to carry did you the origin of of bouquets of flowers like small bouquet of flowers was a they used to have them under their skirts to hide their pussy odor dead serious that was like one of the very first reasons. That's the first good thing I actually heard them do well. I'm just saying I mean we're talking about brushing your teeth with specifically Portuguese here in pithy because it's the best to whiter rallies. I mean it's obvious to really absolutely you know but actually bouquet of flowers down by the that fucking you know how will he must've been bad like once every couple of weeks and you have like once once a ladies lady comes in. I mean you're you're. GonNa have a bleeding date. I'll have you know you're wrapping around. What's happening yeah. What's let's go on a a mom. This were contract came out and mckim around. I'll put the potato up there like you told me bleeding took root L. No I'M GONNA have potato boy. I just like hygiene back like a long time ago. I think it would be stark to try to bank somebody from like a thousand years ago. You know what I mean like you. Go back. If you go back to like like we're wandering tribes of fucking people hunting game game and shit like that you back to those times like what what what was the snatch like back then what is some like BC snatch. I don't know either I don't. I don't think I want to know what do you know where your you had to fucking appropriate to like. Could the species Katy. We'll of course get down on that. Dick but you gotta get on that day. I wonder if I'm sure they did blow jobs back. Then what Korsakov Zinc yes okay. I'm sure dudes tried to stick their dicks pretty much anywhere 'cause like who's there to stop a back. Then that's true I got a bigger bigger club club. You Bitch. I'm GonNa fuck that monkey a monkey. GonNa do catch that Monkey Book God Muggy Forget Fungus Rock to crack that rock. Well Fuck that crack. I could get my day crack. Wedge it in their book that crack. Oh like sandpaper aw fuck a rock and that's the really crazy part is we know that all these sexual things have been figured out like ten thousand years ago in a jungle it goes somewhere or like on a desert Sahara yeah. You think you're being creative. No it's already been done for hundreds of years. Sorry Pal you're good. I mean right but we do have fucking alien.

00:55:02 - 01:00:01

Dick's that will lay lay fucking exit now sorry we gotTa Alien Alien Dick laying eggs lowering egg-laying decks. My sexual dyslexia popped up for a second. That's something we'll have really oh. Please loop pop it in there. We'll for anybody looking for a job out there and if you're in Lancaster Pennsylvania they're opening and DILDO factory a handful of people listening from there and adding one hundred fifty jobs hundred fifty the California based Mr Fister Dildo announced their plans to open up. The facility are art everybody over here. We got the PFISTER dues over there. We got the Pfister owns and we got the PFISTER may well. They also say they want to be a good neighbor. In the community they sponsor an annual toys for tots event that provides sex toys to the financially chilly disadvantaged like a good neighbour fear stories Oh and God a uh well the the factory is GonNa make a line of rubber dongs dildos vaginal can and their and their their signature shirt Mr Fister fist the magic can cut yourself on a rim. Oh flesh lady okay. Nightline came soft edged plastic rim. Yes salted like a Margarita. I call her Mary. So if you're like has to go on down Zik factory that's higher down into glad diptych factory. Pena's there honey. I got that job down at at Mr Fester. I love it when you bring your work home with you. Oh I could get you that giant Goddamn Double Fist Don. You always wanted go faster. I got cheese yellen duck to it's a noisy little quaker yellen basically basically the duck. It's the opposite of silent time well. He was gonNA explain it to you. Okay Yelling Doug is it's very similar to the five finger gentle palm a technique. It's the same it's just palm forward right into the snatch like you're saying stop so you're not actually you do to penetrate angle and it's also very similar to Dos boot and Germany so oh so it has like a vacuum effect. There is no vacuum effect now now you don't stick the boot end and you take the foot and then we'll add up like that. That's why I said. It's just like the whole the gentle gentle palm twice technique is is just like the fucking angry duck. Come on okay. Saint's this day go on your first pom Pom Pom Pussy. I guess they're also going to do a limited edition. Squid Dildo don't think looks pretty cool and w giving away the five hundred to the first five hundred people come to the event which which ended the squid does the fucking the one with the Dick End to end what a fucking has tentacles race or the tentacles going in like sounding devices prices and you're sticking no fucking head of the squid a fifth of choice well. I don't know maybe tentacles. Yes okay tentacles. Are they stiff panicles or they floppy no. They're floppy and other other. It's so well it's kind of it's kind of like a milky clear but they have holographic like like flexing ooh yeah. It's pretty it's really neat chartreuse. That's pews so yes so check it out all right well. We're going to data here for the night of the week for the day whenever you're listening and we'll be back with another new exciting episode of Kinky Katie's world's next week yeah whenever yeah sweet to you that's j- Jesus do yeah like yeah we just we Corey Corwin. Whatever that's true. They don't need they don't know I know they just content every week. You're going to get content every week so don't worry about it. Shut up enlisted like like like Sunday Sunday evening Sunday night delivery. That's right yeah so Monday morning. When you wake up to go to your run on your fucking treadmill you know what you mean got your apple. Watch rockin eighty fucking years. You're doing your fucking mileage there. You got your apple. Watch one hand your fit bit on the other. You're like double watched all right. People do well whatever you do and however you do it. Enjoy your time. Remember remember you can be on the twitter later.

01:00:01 - 01:01:31

Aki Haiti radio. Can you hit your radio. Dot Com kinky Katie radio at gmail.com and on the facebook Kinky Katie Radio own. Just be careful because you can start getting in trouble for drawings of Lewd things I didn't get in travel. Travel wasn't made these leads. What's the move we know has got in trouble again but I think someone has it out for him for Dick Drawing. I don't it was addict. It's usually get your troubles a dick. Dick's are the ones that get you in trouble right. You're Dick Right yeah coming to your heart. Don't do the creepy voice. Turn gravy voice. Do you have anything for me as C. Negative all righty righty well. I hope everyone has a wonderful wonderful wonderful. Whatever it is you're doing and yep the IT. Does anybody does.

Expand highly inaccurate transcript