#215 – Grudge Fuck
You are currently viewing #215 – Grudge Fuck

This week!

5/19/2018 SC is an asshole... Katie explains memes... Why would the cats care where I put my dick... Man dumped $25k in poo on his boss's lawn after winning the lotery... Move another women in when your wife is tired of you, just don't fall in love... The best skin flix on Netflix... Why hate fucking or grudge fucking can be soo much fun... Episode of "Rule 34"... How kinky is Katie according to one survey... Tits Man - Laura Croft's boobs got smaller and some people are pissed... Was a popular cartoonist diddling teenagers while making some of his best work... The sounds men make while having sex... Unborn aborted fetus.

Bumper Music

Noisia - Tentacles